PestEx Inc.
PestEx Inc. has been QualityPro Certified since 2004.
How did you get started in the pest management industry?
4th generation PMP working with my Father
Tell us your most memorable moment so far in your career in the pest management industry.
Purchasing our first building in company history! Pestex World Headquarters!!! Other notables: Attending Dr. Bobby Corrigan’s Rat Academy in NYC and Having Dr. Austin Frishman train our team on various IPM strategies in July 2015.
What is the guiding principal behind your success with Pestex Inc.?
Pestex works hard to educate and build partnerships with our customers through education and involvement in the integrated strategies we must employ to be successful. Through education, the basis of any good IPM plan, we generate true partnerships with our clients. If we don’t take care of our customers, somebody else will – this keeps us on our toes every day!
Why did your company choose to earn the QualityPro certification?
Quality Pro sets us apart from those who fail to value the professionalism and stewardship being a QualityPro company denotes. It provides assurance to our customers and valued team members that they are working alongside the best in the industry.
Overall, what do you think the most valuable aspect of QualityPro is to your company?
We spend many hours every day inside peoples homes and places of work, unattended. We take pride in “going where the other guy doesn’t” and have keys to people places of work and personal homes. That means the trust MUST be there, and QualityPro is just one way we assure them of that.
-Doug Fleischer
Managing Partner, PestEx Inc.