LOGO Thrasher Pest 200H

Thrasher Termite & Pest Control of So Cal, Inc.


San Diego, California

How did you get started in the pest management industry?

Being in pest control means that we make a difference every day in the health of our community. Lauren grew up in San Diego and has a passion for making things better. She's a tireless businesswoman and volunteer. At an early age, Garrett saw the difference that pests can have on the quality of life. Together we founded Thrasher Termite & Pest Control of So Cal, Inc. to serve the community while providing for our young family.

Tell us your most memorable moment so far in your career in the pest management industry.

Over the years we have put together an “AHA” binder that is filled with learning lessons and memorable moments in our company’s history. Being in the pest management comes with many satisfying situations to resolve tough pest problems. Garrett loves hearing stories of our technicians solving rodent problems by utilizing a smoke test of the plumbing system. A standout moment for Lauren was ushering in bylaw changes with CAPMA (formerly known as PCOC).

What is the guiding principle behind your success with Thrasher Pest in San Diego?

Never stop learning. Our success stems from core values focused on customers, community, co-workers, and the common good. To support our values, we emphasize training and education, and continuous improvement at every level of the organization. We follow the 4 rules of referability: show up on time, do what you say, finish what you start, say please and thank you. It is amazing that all it takes is a prompt reply to a phone call or email to impress customers.

Why did your company choose to earn the QualityPro certification?

We earned the QualityPro accreditation to demonstrate our commitment to running a company that serves our community with competency and ethics, deals fairly with our staff, and protects the San Deigo environment. We are so proud to be part of the QualityPro community of professionals that we volunteer our time and our staff to further the mission of setting standards for our industry.

Overall, what do you think the most valuable aspect of QualityPro is to your company?

QualityPro is THE standard of excellence in pest management. Being QualityPro accredited demonstrates to our customers and to our staff that striving for excellence is a way of life, not something done and forgotten. We make a point to re-earn our accreditation every day, in every interaction. It keeps us focused.